Believe in yourself (I)

Believe in yourself
In all the things that you do
In the dreams that fulfil you
In your joyful wishes too

Believe in yourself
In spite of all that’s been said
The can’ts and the nays
All because they’re afraid

Believe in yourself
Even when things go wrong
For that’s precisely when
The doubting feels most strong

Believe in yourself
Through the days grey and dark
When all the moments that converge
Makes everything clear as mud


Believe in yourself
When no end is in sight
Just keep plodding on
I promise it will get light

Believe in yourself
When no one else will
Diving deep chasms
Skimming mountainous thrills

Believe in yourself
Through the ease and the hard
You deserve the very best of you
The whole and all parts

Believe in yourself
In all the things that you do
In the dreams that fulfil you
In all of your joyful wishes too

6th Feb 2020