This Journey We Call Life

It is often said
That every journey 
Starts with a single step

What is less often shared
is that the road upon which you travel
may be way-off the beaten track

It may be dim and foggy,
With no signposts to see
Nor streetlights to light the way

And yet if you can, when you can,
Take a step forward, and slowly you’ll begin to forge
A little more in the direction that you’re heading

And that’s when you know 
you’re definitely moving ahead and along
Even if it’s at a snails pace

Sometimes it may seem to be that a diversion is in place
A roadblock, a hump, a tragedy
A disaster, a catastrophe, maybe just an unexpected bend

But, with all things considered,
It may have been, just be the most valuable
And the most important part of your journey

Other times, it may feel as if, you’ve reached an impasse
Or stopped at a rest stop for far too long
Unmoving, unchanging, stuck.

Perhaps it was just time for you
to have a break, a rest, a breather
To find some calm, enjoy the stillness, surrender in tranquility

Maybe it was time
for a change in direction
Or a regrouping of sorts

Just remember that
Every journey that you’re on,
whether you’re travelling near or far

Is an adventure meant for you
From the encounters, to the landscapes
From the people, to the beasts

Each is dutifully yours
To make the most of,
to make the best of

Embrace it all,
This wonderful unfolding
Of life and all of its ways

Let it show you, please you, delight you
May you find excitement on dull days
And may tranquil serenity seek you out on the stormy seas

And most of all,
May you embrace, in a million magnificent ways
All of the wonders in this Journey we call Life

August 2017